Pamelia describes Mattie as a “wild, crazy girl and a devoted Mom and companion … a real beacon of life.”
“Mattie’s Mom had to be delivered by a “C” Section so we decided against taking the chance of her going into labor and not being able to deliver — even though she was a HUGE Corgi.”

Unfortunately, Mattie passed at a young age: “She was wonderful, but on this earth way too short of a time.”

Sophie and Lilly at nine weeks: “Sophie the smart one is escaping, while, Lilly the pretty one is watching.”
Lilly or “Lillybug” is Walt’s true love; “I’m afraid I come in second to her” laughs Pamelia. “Lilly looks a lot like Mattie, but personality-wise she takes after her Dad Teddy.” “Believe it or not, she’s fully relaxed here in my hubby’s arms. This is comfy for her — actually one of her favorite positions! Lilly is so used to being handled, you could probably hang her upside down and she wouldn’t care. Of course, most Corgis have odd comfy positions.”
(Yep, we’ve seen a few of those here on The Daily Corgi). Lilly is both obedience and agility trained. Looks as though she’s got the Corgi mind meld down pretty well, too.
“She’s a riot, loves a challenge and greets each new day with a zest for life and what it brings.”

Soph at seven months. Already the ‘tude is apparent!
Sister Sophie “acts like her Mom in many ways and looks like her Dad Teddy. Although she was the runt of the litter, she was the first to do everything. Out of the whelping box, small with a huge personality.”
Today Sophie’s a big girl, 14-1/2″ at the shoulder and at 35 pounds, not fat. “She’s my running partner” says Pamelia. “Soph has been an ace in both obedience and agility work. She has no interest in herding though! She loves to learn new tricks and to be kept mentally stimulated.”
Proud Papa Teddy (a.k.a. “Teddy Spaghetti without Worms) is very pleased to be making an appearance on The Daily Corgi. “He’s the best Corgi ever” writes Pamelia. “He’s always had wonderful manners and came housebroken at ten weeks. Teddy loves to be loved on. He lives with our kids and tolerates the antics of two wild teacup Yorkies. Teddy’s the only well-behaved one of the bunch, but that’s always been who he is! He understands “human” and you can talk to him in sentences. He’s a neat guy and gentle as they come, consistently on his best behavior. “
What beautiful dogs – I enjoyed reading about them!
OMG they are ALL just so cute!!! I've got to say that Mattie really reminds me of my Sadie girl who I felt was taken from me too early. Got to love those Corgi's – they're the cutest creatures on the planet.
Those kids sure are adorable
Benny & Lily
I thought that I was the only one who called their Teddy Teddy Spaghetti. My Teddy is a two year old pem. He just had his b-day on 3-6-2010. He is the love of my life. He makes me laugh everyday with his silly antics.
Hey Lana! Teddy shares my birthday ;-). Drop a line about Teddy sometime, so we can get him on the blog as Dog of the Day sometime!
The Daily Corgi
Hey Pamelia!!!! Though I have seen all of these photos in the past it is still a joy to see them again. Furry Pantaloons is my favorite!!!!!!!! Such vibrant colored Pems.