Ari K. keeps it Cardi-powered in Rhode Island, where he is the prince of Robin K.’s family.
He’s eight and-a-half.
And getting handsomer every day.
“We love that Ari sighs like a person and we will often echo his sighs” writes Robin.
“He has the funny habit of licking my feet!”
Looking forward to the snow, parka at the ready.
“If he is in his outside pen and someone comes over, he runs for his ball and shows off his “soccer skills”. Same thing when his brother and Dad play basketball. He goes for his ball and I have to watch both acts at same time.”
Handsome Ari is fan of blueberries and doesn’t care if they cost $5 a pint!
“He’s not a big toy lover. He enjoys kongs frozen with peanut butter and the nylabones. Just the tough chewing toys, he’d shred anything with material .”
The top of the sofa is one of Ari’s favorite places. He can watch the world through the window …
… and cover the nap shift when necessary.
“Ari is just the sweetest little boy and we adore him!”
* * * * *
Welcome to The Daily Corgi, Ari!
You are woof-tastic!
love it!! you did a great job,laurie!!