Little Sandy would be the queen bee of her Texas household if Mom TK wasn’t a practiced dog trainer. “She’s incredibly independent — even for a Corgi!”

“Sandy is bossy, affectionate, smart, extremely willful and independent. She also loves people; whenever we go to the dog park she greets every single person there, usually by jumping on their laps or giving out plenty of kisses.”
“For me, teaching her new things is a bit of a hobby” says TK. “Sandy can roll over, play dead, stand on her hind legs, give high-fives and hand shakes, open her crate by herself, and much much more. Sandy is a fast learner and highly food motivated. She is a food whore.”
“When she was a puppy she’d get so excited during feeding time that she’d actually throw up. Eventually she grew out of it, but she still fraps around the apartment when it’s time for dinner. If she had to pick between me or her dinner, she’d probably pick the dinner! Sandy will do ANYTHING for a treat.”
“My boyfriend and I found her on a tiny little farm in Scurry, Texas. She was such a sweet innocent looking thing when we first got her, but she is one of the most hyper dogs I’ve ever trained. I swear Sandy has ADHD!”
“Sandy enjoys sitting with me when I’m writing my latest novel (annoyingly, she will put her head on my laptop keys and sleep there while I try to type!) She likes to take baths with my boyfriend, play tug-of-war, and loves to be in the car when we go out.”
“She’s fiercely devoted to us. So as long as she’s with us, she’s having a good time.”
* * * * *
Welcome to The Daily Corgi, Sandy!
You are Pem perfection!
So cute!
I couldn't ask for a more wonderful dog. She's part of the family. 😀