You may recall Gillie from Texas, who made her debut as Dog of the Day last month.
Yep, that’s me … famous!
Gillie, who has Degenerative Myelopathy — a progressive, incurable paralysis of the spinal cord — has just this week begun her physical therapy sessions.
Her Mom Peggy H. reports on the first session: “She walked in the water treadmill for 18 minutes (this duration increases every session). Then she walked over various obstacles designed to make her pick up her feet. She did so very well. The therapist keeps his treats in the left pocket of his tunic, and Gillie was watching that pocket with rapt attention.”
“One exercise is to balance her front feet on a wobble board while the therapist held her hind legs in various challenging ways. The bum threw a couple treats well past her and kept a good hold of her legs, so she couldn’t get her treats!”
“Quite the dirty look she gave him, I must say. We heartlessly thought she was pretty funny.”
“Miss Gillie was tired and rested a bit more than usual after her session, but not as much as I expected. Overall I think physical therapy helps her. It’s worth it — she’s worth it. We’ll continue hour-long therapy sessions once a week as long as they help her.”
Go Gillie, go! We’re behind you all the way.
Yay for Gillie! 🙂
Her little face looks so cute in that wobble board photo. She looks cute in the hydrotherapy, too. And, of course, in the first photo of her in the grass. 🙂
Don't Give Up Gillie. Keep working, keep playing and keep loving. Gizmo from North Carolina sends you a a big kiss and promises you – it's all worth it.