Friends, I’m ramping up my game.
After two and-a-half years, the blog is ready to put on the big girl Corgi Pants. The Grand Re-Opening of The Daily Corgi is just a few weeks away.
It’s time to go All Star!
New features and a shiny new “shopfront” are right around the corner, and a new site requires a new shingle. On the web, they call this virtual shingle an “about page”.
So here’s the deal: I’ve got to write an About Page for The Daily Corgi.
(Cue the sound of my terrified gulp).
Open wide! via flickr
As easy and fun as it is for me to write about all of you and your amazing Corgis, it’s like PULLING TEETH for me to write about myself and my work.
Gang, if I’m going to get this tummy-troubling task done today, I need you to TROOP THE COLOURS for me.
The Queen of England has her Horse Guards, Household Cavalry, Corps of Drums, Foot Guards and (most importantly) her Corgis. As for me, I have you. And your Corgis. I’d say we’re pretty evenly matched.
If you want to help, read this article on creating an About Page, then tell me what you’d include in an About Page for The Daily Corgi.
Drop me an e-mail ( or post a comment; do it TODAY and I’ll throw your name in the drawing for a big, honking dog toy.
Thanks, thanks, thanks, and remember …
(Yes, the text in pink is a link to a cheesy video … click it and smile, maybe even dance. I did 🙂 In fact, I’ve danced to it dozens of times, because it’s in 500 Days of Summer, one of my favorite movies. And yes, I AM secretly a big goober who sometimes just wants to dance down the street exuberantly high-fiving complete strangers).
p.s. My website developer/visionary/pants-kicker told me to honestly unleash myself creatively on your unsuspecting hides. Well she didn’t exactly say it that way, but it’s what I heard.
Thanks Lisa. I owe you one.
I hope you can fit the Corgi call BAR-OO-OO-OO somewhere on your page. It's so Corgi and always makes me laugh. Looking forward to seeing your new site.
Just sent you some ideas via email. Hope it helps =)
(Blogger/Google ate my earlier comment, I think, so if this is a duplicate, I apologize.)
The How to About is helpful, but the most useful point is the one about writing with personality. And corgi is the personality of the site!
Include fun(ny) facts or trivia that will hook the new users and tell the regulars something they might not already know. Entertain people, and they're yours.
Hope this helps!
You are Laurie, lover of corgis who believes that Corgi lovers are the best people in the world. You strive to share the best of this fabulous breed from all over the world with corgi lovers from all parts of the globe. Be they silly, sad, stoic, stumptastic, or just plain bossy, Corgi's and the people who love them are a strong community that is willing to open their hearts to the rest of their people to help those in need, support those who are going through a tough time, and to share the silliness of a FRAP-ping corgi with those who just need a daily laugh. May we all strive to be the person our Corgi thinks we are!
What SusanR said. That's it. Don't forget to tell em your readers love you!
Maybe a bit about the Celtic lore of the Corgi, for those who don't know the breed? The fairy saddle, the pulling of the fairy coaches… The ability to run around under a kicking cow and not get injured… All those special things about a Corgi that the uninitiated don't know? Karen (a new reader) and Griffen
keep it simple.
focus on why you do this.
you love corgis.
we love corgis.
corgi love.
anddddd you deliver happiness to people via their email daily. you are a corgi godmother fairy.
looking forward.
good luck.