About Laurie Eno
If a hunky Welsh Corgi on a windswept beach is your idea of a celebrity snapshot, welcome home! My name is Laurie Eno and I invite you to the tribe.
Sit. Stay. Smile!
By Laurie Eno
If a hunky Welsh Corgi on a windswept beach is your idea of a celebrity snapshot, welcome home! My name is Laurie Eno and I invite you to the tribe.
So our Corgi Sandy (you have posted pictures of her thanks to my wife) was paralyzed when she burst 2 disks in her spine at the age of four. We paid for expensive corgi surgery and she recovered mostly. To this day when she shits, she tried to cover it up… not by flicking dirt around with her two back legs like a normal dog, but by long strokes with both legs on each side in turn. She is now 10 and we call her the Corgi longship.