Good afternoon everyone, and welcome to my tenth weekly guest spot on The Daily Corgi! I am your host Paige K. Davis, founder of CorgiPals. As you know, every week I’ll be doing a guest post to keep you up to snuff with the goings-on in the CorgiPals world. This week’s theme: Updates Galore!
Before I get going, I’d like to address a question I’ve been getting a lot lately: How do I choose who to donate to? Soooo, I thought I’d share a little graphic I made to help people out!
On with the show! Our first update is aboutbaby big-boy Albus, who isn’t much of a baby anymore! He needs just $917 now to reach his goal. Corgi Mom Phoebe says:
Next up is Cricket! Corgi Mom Jackie sent me the following update and video. Cricket now needs $837 to reach his goal!
On with the show! Our first update is about
“Albus is getting so big! He’s doing great and is just as sweet as ever. He was a lucky dog to make it through Parvo, but I’m even luckier to have him in my life.”
Next up is Cricket! Corgi Mom Jackie sent me the following update and video. Cricket now needs $837 to reach his goal!
“I got some disturbing news on Cricket’s blood count. His white count has elevated more instead of going down. It is up to 35,000. We will try him on another round of antibiotics for 2 weeks and retest. If it is still elevated they will start with a scan of his GI and we will go from there. I am so very sad for Cricket. He has to go through so much.”
Our third update is about Mr. Ozzie, whose goal is now down to only $863! He’s been getting better recently. Check it out!
“Here is the latest update on Ozzie. Some good news! The results of Ozzie’s latest blood work show some improvement. His platelet count is not quite normal yet, but is headed in the right direction. It seems that this additional drug is helping without giving him additional prednisone. He will get rechecked in 2 more weeks.”
Finally, an update on Ernie, our cancer-fighting-wonder-dog! Ernie’s goal is now at $2,130. Here is a good update and a cute story from his Corgi Mom Susan:
“Ernie had his blood test yesterday. ISU vet said it looked great!! He is a happy nub-wagging guy breathing out of both nostrils. We still take him everywhere or to the babysitter. Yesterday a man chased me down in a parking lot to tell me how handsome Ernie is. He and his wife were eating lunch and Ernie was staring them down from the car.”
That about wraps it up for this week. As always, please spread the word about our Corgis in need, and keep on Corgi’n on!
Great Pup-Date! Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly
Sigh:( I don't want to appear to be technology challenged, but I can't seem to find where I can donate to these lovely dogs that you have pictured in the helpful reminder. Could you give me a hint:) Thanks. I always donate to our local Corgi rescue at Christmas and would like to add one of your guys or gals to my list. Hope to hear from you!
Katherine Collmer,
Thank you for your comment!
You are not technologically challenged … honestly. Or if you are, you're in plenty of good company (including me!)
Here's the place to go and donate to the Corgis in need:
Corgi On!