them after getting to know Amy’s mother’s Pembroke. “She showed us just
how awesome the breed can be” writes Tony. “We fell in love with
her many quirks and personality.”
the litter. Though she had decided to keep the pup for herself, when we
met Tia something just clicked and felt right. We played and held her.
We flipped her over and cuddled with her on her back and she remained
perfectly calm. When Tia passed our tests with flying colors, we knew
she was the right puppy.”
we are fortunate that Tia absolutely loves the snow. She enjoys jumping
through it, having it thrown at her, and biting at the snow shovel, treating it with the same fierceness she does the vacuum cleaner.”
Wait for it, wait for it …
“One of Tia’s many pleasures is camping with us. Since she’s our only baby, the fur kid gets equal treatment around the campfire, where she claims her own chair.”
interested in the world and everything around her. Here she is enjoying
the view from our local dunes.”
activities, off hours we’re back at the house with friends. Over a barbeque, Tia
enjoys the company of her human companions. She really is a “people
person” kind of dog.”
Christmas because it means presents! We taught her early on how to help
unwrap presents and she’s quite good at it. She learned that gifts under
the tree couldn’t be opened until we ask for her help. To our great
delight, we don’t have to worry about her deciding it’s time to open
them until we request her able assistance.”
professional photographer. One Summer we had several studio shots done
for a calendar. Our girl loves posing for the camera and will remain
calm while being “placed” for her picture.”
“Unfortunately, this year right after Tia’s 11th birthday in January we got confirmation that she has lymphatic (B cell) cancer, Stage V. Although the lymphoma involves her
liver, spleen, and bone marrow, a B cell result means she has
greatest odds of extending her still active, still healthy life
while also placing her in the percentage of dogs with lymphoma that have
the highest success/remission rates!”
“This was devastating news, but cancer has an alternative plan for her and we’re bound to fight it to give our Tia every chance to live out a happy, healthy life.”
“Tia is the love of our life and is full of love as well. She means the world to us and we’re determined to do whatever we can to help her stay happy and healthy. We’re very fortunate that her particular type of cancer is responsive to the treatment she’s receiving and she remains a spirited, happy, and healthy acting Corgi. She is certainly unaware of her situation and you would never know her condition by simply looking at her. People often ask “How old is she?”
“We thank you all for your kind thoughts, wishes, and generosity.”
Tony, Amy, and Tia
As I looked at each picture, I thought it was my favorite. Ohhh nooo, this one is my favorite! Now I cannot choose, so they are all my favorites. Tia is adorable and clearly filled with life. She is loved, which is the most imprtant aspect of treatment for this nasty illness. Thank God Tia is taking it all in stride.
Such a wonderful post. Amy and I are very grateful to you for sharing our story. – Tony Seely
Tia is adorable. I found out in December my 7 yr old corgi has lymphoma. He has completed his protocol and has done amazing. (the best part is being off of the prednisone, which affected him so much more than the chemo.)
I know Tia will do great too!
I have two corgis and they are the best kind of kids to have. Hands down!
Tia is a beautiful Corgi. I wish you the best of luck with her cancer treatment. She looks like a fighter!
Best of luck with Tia's cancer treatment. It's rough, but I've found that Corgis are fighters who won't just lie down, and Tia looks like a particularly spunky fighter!
Just an amazingly sweet girl. I'm glad you got the runt of the litter, I always pick the runt.God bless you as you proceed forward with her treatment.
Tony and Amy and Tia,
We also live in Traverse City and would love to meet you. We will be sending a contribution for Tia's care. You can reach me at We have 3 corgis.
I just got off the phone with Laurie. We were discussing how adorable and ADORED this little girl is. My heart skipped a beat when I saw the Valentine photo with Tia in the middle of all the red hearts and candy. Laurie mentioned that Tia has a very treatable form of illness. I hope that many people will help this beloved corgi get the treatment she needs
Rebecca & LMPP
Thank you so, so very much everyone. The Corgi Nation is truly some of the best people out there! Wednesday we go for our 3rd chemo treatment. We had to postpone from last Thursday due to a low WBC. This is normal during her chemo though so no real red flags and the rest of her blood work was acceptable. I'll post an update tomorrow to our GiveForward page, Facebook, etc. Again, I really and honestly cant thank you all enough for your generosity, love, and well wishes. – Tia's Dad
We've just returned home from Tia's 3rd chemotherapy session. Things are going very well so far. I've got all the details in the "Updates" section of her GiveForward page linked below. Just look for the "Updates" tab. Thank you all for your ongoing support and love!