Meet Tucker and his Dad Bert Corwin, a Vietnam veteran. They live in Topeka, Kansas with Bert’s wife Vicki.
Kansas is a beautiful state in a part of the United States known as Tornado Alley. Things can get pretty rough there when those twisters come calling. Tornado warnings can leave folks with less than 15 minutes to move to safety, and in some cases they cannot bring their pets with them.
With Bert in a wheelchair, it’s tough for Vicki — who deals with lower back pain — to get him and his chair into their small car. It’s difficult and stressful, when every minute matters. Because this process is so cumbersome and the weather conditions so alarming, they worry that Tucker will get disoriented and run off. So Bert and Vicki are forced to leave their Corgi at home, praying at the shelter for his safety.
“Tucker The Corgi Master” is a popular fellow on facebook, where he entertains on his own page and regularly encourages Corgi Nation comrades with humor, heart and hilarity. Mom Vicki regularly generously gives away handmade wire wrapped jewelry through his page. Little wonder Tucker has drawn a community of friends and admirers to himself!
Here’s the good news: The Veterans Administration will pay to equip a minivan with a wheelchair lift, making life much easier for the entire Corwin family during those times of urgent need — and all year long! When Tucker fan Joyce Randall learned of the family’s situation and this opportunity, she set out to rally the community and raise $10,000 for that minivan.
So here’s the challenge, Daily Corgi readers. I know we can push that fund to goal in no time flat. It’s at $3,581 right now. Won’t it be a genuine thrill to see that money raised, and to know that Corgi People made it happen?
I’ll kick things off with a $20 donation right now. Will you follow me to the fundraiser site and match my donation? If you can give $2 or $5 right now, have no doubt that will bless them too. Every dollar is an act of love for a dog and a family who deserve to feel the kind of good they have given so freely to others.
If you would like to donate via check or money order, contact campaign organizer Joyce Randall: or mail your payment (payable to Bert and Vicki Corwin) to: Joyce Randall, Mountain Glen RV Park & Campground, 6182 Brockdell Road, Pikeville, TN 37367. All inquiries regarding the campaign should be directed to Joyce.
This is Corgi Power in action. Let’s ROLL!
p.s. Yes, today was supposed to be a blog day off. How was I supposed to resist something like this? Helping Corgis and people is what I do because it makes me happy. Really, really happy. Thanks Joyce for helping me find extra happy today :).
We just can't thank you enough for taking the time to share this story. Many people came together to help make this happen and I've just been blessed to be a part of it. I could not have done this without the encouragement and the great ideas for the fundraising site that were shared by so many great people. Wilson Waddlepants Mom, Joyce Corgi On !