This is some kind of special, freshly delivered from Daily Corgi readers the Younger family. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll understand why a Corgi’s love and laughter lasts far longer than the years we get to share with them here on earth.
Hi. It’s me, Sammy. Comin’ at ya from over the Rainbow Bridge. I arrived this weekend and I wanted to drop you a line about my new digs:
1. They put me in charge of the food up here. Rightfully so … I am food god of all the dogs.
2. Magic is everywhere. Each time I rip up a giant stuffed red lobster, a new one appears.
3. I have testicles. They are chocolate flavored.
4. It’s like the ocean, except the water is all fences as far as you can see. I estimate I ran like at least ½ of them … yesterday at lunch. Yep, my legs are working again. No pain.
5. There are lots of german shepherds up here. But they are all less than a foot tall. I am exacting delicious sweet revenge on every one of them.
6. My bunk mates are a border collie and a grey tabby. I am in charge of them both. I sit on the furniture and make them sit on the floor. I pee on the border collie’s head all the time.
7. There are treat stations like the cat closet domed one on earth. I eat freely and no one cares. Oh yeah — there are no doors. No one closes the door on Sammy ever again!
8. We have TV shows here. My TV is tuned in to the John Younger, Lorie, Linus and Houdini show.
9. Every day is Sammy Saturday! I have my very own massage therapist and swimming pool.
10. Upon my arrival, I discovered there are lots of little black Nissans waiting to drive me around. I got in, hung my head out the window and went down the main strip yelling “Sammy’s here bitches!!!!”
I have met some old and new friends who I promised I’d mention. Teddy, Misty, Sandy, Libby, Cole, Illegal, Harley and Puffy the Puffer Fish say hello!
I miss you.
Sammy 2 Poops
Special thanks to Chris Lackey for the beautiful drawing — with John Younger at Heaven.
Dearest Sammy, I am so happy Harley was there to meet you. Bless you and frap free Buddy. Someday we will meet. Corgi Lover too.