Have you signed up for the Daily Corgi mailing list yet? If not, this may be the last news you’ll see from me for another two weeks.
Oh my stars, REALLY?
You bet! The Daily Corgi is going in for a major spit and polish, as preparation for the jubilant re-launch on Thursday, June 9th. Yes, after seven years, this little blog of mine will be bigger and better than ever — and you won’t want to miss a single trick!
The fun’s this-a-way
Jump to it! Subscribe NOW and get exclusive previews and jolliness delivered straight to your in-box before (and after) the big blog reveal on June 9th!
* * * *
Can you handle even MORE excitement? Hold on to your Corgi caps, here’s the big reveal on what is sure to be the highlight of the social season in London (yes, that London), the scene all bone-vivants and boulevardiers will want to make …
A Corgi Royal Tea will be held on Sunday, June 12th at sketch, a premiere destination for cuisine, art and music.
Calling all UK Corgis! Marcel le Corgi was cast exclusively for the event’s campaign, with help from a certain blogger. Well done!
In honor of Her Majesty’s 90th birthday and a shared love of Corgis, sketch invites owners to bring their Corgis for tea and cake at sketch Parlour, where the canines will potter away with their own doggy bag filled with handmade artisanal mini peanut bones from the Hungry Hounds Bakery.
To mark the start of the Patron’s Lunch and street party birthday celebrations, the event will run from 11 am to 2 pm on Sunday, June 12th.
Located at 9 Conduit Street in London, the swanky and swellegant sketch is on the web at sketch.london.
RSVP is essential: ellenp@sketch.london
Rule Corgi-tannia!
Laurie! Kudos to you for a FABULOUS website. I’m knocked out. Bandit, Jake and honorary Dorgi Snipes vote an extra 25 biskies for you tonight!