Too much Monday.
Not enough coffee.

Coffee doesn’t ask silly questions.
Coffee understands.

Coffee smells like unicorns and magic.
Now hand it over.
You either love coffee or you are wrong.
Choose wisely.

Ollie https://www.reddit.com/domain/i.imgur.com/
Coffee and I are having a moment.
I’ll deal with you later.

Coffee isn’t a drug.
It’s a vitamin, silly!

Oh hello officer.
In dog coffees, I’ve only had one.

The only cure for too much coffee is more coffee.
Any questions?

“I never frap until I’ve had my coffee.”
Said no Corgi ever.

Love is in the air.
And it smells a lot like coffee.

Carter twitter.com/carterthecorgi
First I drink the coffee.
Then I do the things.

You’re cute and all.
But I’m not sharing the coffee.

Shhhh don’t speak.
Let’s just enjoy the smell of coffee brewing.

Just put down the coffee and walk away.
Nobody gets hurt.

Have you ever paused to wonder
Whether coffee is addicted to ME?
Official Disclaimer: DO NOT GIVE YOUR CORGI COFFEE, even if they’re keen on the bean. Just don’t. Puppacinos are a different story. (The lowdown on those is coming next week).
Coffee for me! Ein has enough energy as it is 🙂
Howard Schultz appreciates your support! Love this feature! Now pour me another cup!
Corgis know how to get the message of coffee across to the hoomans. Lovely pics.
Gina will steal my coffee if I put it anywhere within her reach. And with her little resource guarding issue, try getting it back from her. She loves her coffee more than her dad does.
My Corgis have our local Batista’s trained – they lean across me to claim the Puppachinno waiting when we pull up to the drive thru window.
This is great! Its Monday evening already but watching at this photos I need to go and get a coffee …. 🙂
Oh my goodness! Starbucks should be sending you some of their advertising dollars!!! So much cuteness!