What has twelve legs, three tongues and stirs up quite a breeze running through the house?

Kailyn, Darcy and Pippa
This squad right here. The resident frap pack at the Dimaio household!

Karen with Kailyn, Darcy and Pippa
These stubby scamps live with their mom, uber-talented pet portrait artist Karen Dimaio, her husband (their Dad), and a brother on two legs, Joe.
“Our three dogs love each other” Karen writes. “I have never seen them raise a lip to one another. They love to play together. The each have and know their own crate. The doors are always open and they often get in them to nap. They are part of the family and my husband, son and I love them dearly. I can’t imagine my life without them, their unconditional love is so empowering. I think our story is probably best told in the pictures I take of them. That’s our life as seen through our Corgis.”

Kailyn, Darcy, Pippa
Who, US?!? We are the faces of see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil. Unless it’s cheese, and then bring on the EVIL CHEESE already why don’tcha?

“First up is Kailyn, who at 7 1/2 still acts like a puppy. Like most Corgis, she is very smart. Kailyn joined our family as a show prospect, but really found her calling as a mom. She whelped and raised two beautiful litters and was (and is) an amazing mom, now spayed and enjoying her retirement.”

Proud mom Kailyn and pups!
“Our “KayKay” is the mother of Darcy and Pippa. She is also mom to Misty and Rio, who have been on the Daily Corgi, as well as Linus, Stella, Ziggy, Gus, Redmond, Sally, River, Lexie, and Arthur. I have remained close with most of the pups’ owners and consider them family. I am no longer breeding though, as I felt Pippa was too small and spayed her.”

Mama loves her babies.

Where is Dad?
“Kailyn is my husband’s heart dog and faithfully watches for him to come home from work everyday.”

Kailyn’s grin
“Like all of my bunch she loves to play ball. Each has their own ball, and will only fetch that ball. Kailyn’s is as old as she is and quite worn. I have a new one waiting for her.”

“What can I say about Darcy? it was love at first sight. From the moment he was born, I knew he was staying with us. He is gorgeous and sweet and smart and barks so loud he makes his own ears hurt.”

Darcy, fresh from heaven.

“It’s funny because he will bark and then shake his head as if to say ‘Who made that loud noise?’ Cracks me up. He always has his eyes on me, and never lets me out of his sight. Darcy is five years old. I did show him and he won many ribbons and points. He is an exceptional athlete, and as long as his ball is thrown well, will catch in mid air. We call Darcy the ball seeking missile.”

Spring-loaded furry missile.

Darcy and HIS ball.
“Generally he is calmer than the girls. He’s a great big brother to Pippa. Well at least in her mind, because he lets her get her way in everything. He is a wonderful ambassador of the breed and I take him to many events like Celtic Festivals, etc. Darcy loves to meet people and sits calmly to be petted.”

Pippa the Princess
“Finally, what to say about Pippa? She has quite a story.”

Pippa the pup
“She whe last one born in Kailyn’s second litter. ,Kailyn had already whelped seven pups and was very tired. I could tell she had one more pup and could feel it was big. (I am a vet tech, although I no longer work as such; I prefer to be at home with the dogs and work as an artist). My vet was out of town and the closest emergency vet is forty minutes away. My biggest concern was her contractions, which seemed to have stopped. So I let her sleep for an hour, then took her out for a liitle walk in the cool air, let her nurse her babies (this can help bring on contractions) and gave her a bit of an energy filled treat. Thankfully, contractions started.”
“I knew we still had a big pup. Kailyn would push and I could see the pup was coming out the right way, but she was unable to push her all the way out. I knew she needed my help. The next push I grabbed the pup with a clean, dry washcloth and gently pulled her out (I had been taught how to do this). Along came Pippa, weighing a whooping 11.6 ounces. Most of the other pups were seven and something.”

Pretty Pippa
“She was beautiful. I named her Pippa on the spot, a name I’d been saving for just the right dog. She lives up to it everyday.”
“I did show her a bit but realized by eight months old she would be too small. (I know, funny considering her birth size). At 2 1/2, Pippa is spayed and now the smallest from her litter.”

It’s good to be Queen.
“She is a tigress and completely runs the house. Kailyn and Darcy let her have her way in everything. Pippa makes me laugh everyday with her antics. She loves to roll on a toy to make it squeak. If our son comes home, she runs at him at full speed and then completely splats on the floor. Yes, that’s the sound she makes. Soon she is gone completely belly up so he can rub her belly. Pippa adores Joe.”

“She is smart but learns things when she wants to. For example, Kailyn and Darcy happily get in their crates when I put my walking shoes on. (I only crate them when I take my daily walk). Pippa would look at me like ‘Show me the cookie and then I will get in the crate’. But one day recently she just got in her crate at the same time as Kailyn and Darcy. My response? ‘Hey Pips, thanks for getting with the program’ and laughed before praising her. I only use positive methods of training.”

Pippa in the snow.
“Pippa tends to use the others dogs’ crates, but Darcy and Kailyn don’t mind. She loves to chase birds and bunnies, hates wet grass, and loves the snow. All three of my dogs do! She enjoys picking her food bowl, with food in it, and move it from the kitchen to the dining room.”


Kailyn, Darcy, Pippa

Darcy and Kailyn in the snow.

Kailyn, Darcy, Pippa
Aw Laurie Thank you so much for the beautiful feature on Kailyn, Darcy and Pippa! I am typing through happy tears as you told their story perfectly!
Karen I am so happy that you like what Idid with your words and pics! Hooray!
Yes Laurie, cheers to you Laurie.
They sound like a great bunch and are onviously very loved! They are gorgeous to boot!!
I have met this happy crew and they are indeed as delightful as they show in their pictures. I can’t wait for my little guy to catch up with them for some playtime fun! Karen is the best Corgi Mom and her artwork is truly breathtaking! Great article on them!
What a joy to read Kailyn, Darcy and Pippa’s story. What a delight to be able to share in Karen’s wonderful family. Each of your fur babies are just precious.
I love reading the adventures of your corgis.I have been a Pembroke owner and previous breeder since 1972.they are magical little dogs with big hearts.Keep the stories and photos coming.You really need to write and illustrate a book.
Must not add a corgi… must not add a corgi… I have to keep the mantra up in the face of all this cuteness
Darcy is a class corgi, no question. They are all delightful. I lost my Pem a couple of years ago. She looked like Darcy, that sweet face. Miss her every day. I love your dogs.
What a lovely trio and such beautiful pictures.
Oh how I can relate to some of your tales. Shorty would do many of the same things. He was my heart dog. I never expected him to be that interestingly enough. He crept in with his smile, his joy for each day and his playfulness. Anyone who met him ended with a laugh and a belly rub. I’ve had Shepherds, Labs, and mutts. He by far had the biggest personality and exemplified happiness.
How did I miss this heartwarming post last week???!!!! It is so encouraging to read about someone compassionate…& passionate about corgis in every way. Volunteering in rescue, we see corgis coming from factory breeding mills, overbred & exhausted, malnourished & anxiety-riddled. I applaud Karen’s conscientious approach to breeding & raising her beautiful corgis! Thanks, Laurie, for sharing!
Thank you, on my and (mostly) Shelley’s behalf. She did a fantastic job with it, didn’t she? The more information we can get into people’s hands, the better.
Corgi On!
You are so blessed to have three such beautiful and lovable dogs. Hug them for me. I have one Cardigan, Sophie, who rules the house. We love her so much.
I always love hearing about Karen’s trio! What a great article.