Murray and Sarah
Dear friends, countrymen and Daily Corgi lovers everywhere. You are FUNNY.
If there’s any doubt about it, feast your eyes on this post full of people and puppy smiles. There’s an undeniable synergy when human meets Corgi. I’ve seen it a million, bone-zilion times. And it’s awesome. There’s some magic in that mojo none of us can deny. Who are we to question? Let’s just be dazzled and delighted. So few things in life are this surefire and simple. We love them, they love us. Nothing complicated there.
Go ahead and hit me with your best Daily Corgi family photos. I dare you! Send them to thedailycorgi@gmail.com with FAMILY in the subject line, and tell me all your names, where you live and a bit about the Corgi (s).
Then watch this space and Corgi Om!

Harry and Conie

Rocky, Happy and Tammi at Kootenai Falls, Montana

Sir Pippin and Lu visited Zoe in Pennsylvania on their journey from Alaska to New York’s Adirondack Mountains. Corgi Power across state lines? You bet!

Aki-Chan and Dad

Ivy and Papa

Monty and Cheryl

Watson the Corgi with his Dad Chris at last year’s Pets in the Park in Edmonton Alberta Canada

Dotti Mae and Michele

Max TheCorgs and Kayla

Wanda and her favorite person Sam

Ike and Katherine

Dozer and Nancy

Monty and Alisa

Copper and Erica
Always a joy to see how much Corgis are love and are part of the family.