Last Friday on the blog, I ran an installment of my irregularly scheduled series Real Men Love Corgis. Well, it was a hit! And some of you even took me up on my offer to feature YOUR guys n’ doggos on The Daily Corgi.
Easy as pie, and now it’s your turn! So send me your snaps:
Vernon and Sophie, on her first day at the beach!
Ivan and Jessie
David and Iggy Pup, the big dog in a little body.
Frank and Lily. Mom Brenda writes “Can’t help lovin’ dat corgi-lovin’ man of mine … ” Easy to see why!
Joseph and his shadow Ms. Penny Lane
KC and Momo are nap buddies.
Jeremey and his boy Murphy. It’s a love thing.
Joe and Miss Rayne, who would very much like a share of Daddy’s maple bar. (Ahem).
Dora of D.C. and her boy Jim.
Eddie the Corgi/Aussie mix took to Daddy Rob right off the bat. Yep, that’s his main man.
Zoe is most definitely her Daddy’s baby girl.
Lola loves her Daddy Jason like crazycakes.
Chloe is Dan’s willing hostage of love and scritches.
Maple bars….they’re not just for breakfast, lunch or dinner any more 🙂
I love that you use the word “scritches” . . .I thought I was the only one. My corgi babies love mama’s scritches.
How wonderful to see how many real men love their Corgis. Thank you for including our special boy, Jessie who has crossed the Rainbow Bridge and who easily coerced his daddy to have photos taken with him.. Corgis have a way of doing that.